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Azienda Agricola, Capra Contenta, Cresmino, CH-6654 Cavigliano

The summer-alp "Riei"

The goats live free and go on their way for fresh green up to the highest mountains. Every morning they come back voluntarily by theirselves to the alp where they are feeded and where the milking takes places two times a day. The pigs of the alp enjoy the whey and love their lives at the fields together with the chickens, too.

The milk is threatten traditionally in our little cheese-kitchen. The cheese is controlled and maintained during the whole process of mature in the basement.
There isn't a street to the summer-alp.
All cheese is carried all the hard way down to the valley in the back-pack.
The days at the alp are always very hard and long but you get a lot of pleasure and satisfaction for it. At our work we're often supported by voluntary helpers. Without them we couldn't handle the whole amount of work alone. Many thanks to each of them!

From spring to winter we're with our animals in the mountains in a little valley at the height of only 600m above the sea.